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The Knowledge Book (Loose Fascicules)

Author: Messages Received and Transmitted into Writing by Vedia Bulent Onsu Corak
Keywords: ISBN: 975-95053-1-2; Knowledge Book; Bilgi Kitabi; Turkey; Turkish; Book of Information; Theosophy; Sufi; Islam; Black Gods; Nation of Islam; 5%; Nation of Gods and Earths; Gods and Earths; Five Percent; 5% Nation; 5% Nation of Islam; Farrakhan; Elijah Muhammad; Fard; 120; 240; 360; 720; 1120; 2000; 2012; 2014; Fourth; Order; Allah; Koran; Qur'an; Infinite: Universal; Degrees; Ataturk; Old Testament; New Testament; Mohammed; Jesus; David; Moses; Rumi; Mevlana; Gods; Root Race; Shaykh Imran Hosein; Maulana Imran Hosein; Shaikh Imran Hosein; Imran Hosein; Alim; Scholar; Philosopher; Author; World Politics; Economy; Eschatology; Modern social; Economic; Political; Issues; Jerusalem in the Quran; Islamic Philosopher; Islamic Author; Islamic Politics; Islamic Economy; Islamic Eschatology; Islamic Issues; Islam; Quran; Sunnah; Hadith; Final Age; Gog; Magog; End of times; Israel; Imran; Hosein; Muslim; Christian; God; Allah; Quran; Koran; Muhammad; Mohammad; Jesus; Christ; Myth; Gospel; Bible; Mosque; Church; Islam; Christianity; Religion; Lord; Crucifixion; Cross; Trinity; Divinity; Sunni; Ahlus-Sunnah; Shaykh; The Caliphate; The Hijaz; Saudi; Wahabi; Salafi; Shaikh; Nation State; 911; Attack; World Trade Center; WTC; Jesus Return; Isa; Dajjal; Anti-Christ; Islamic banking; Religion; Tasawwuf; Ihsan; Revert; Economy; Riba; Dinar; Surah Al-Kahf; The Modern Age; The Anti- Christ; Dajjal; Jerusalem; Zionists; Biblical; Jew; Holy Land; False Messiah; caliphate; Kaliphate; United Nations; Monetary; Islamic Finance; Riba; Dinar; Islam; United Nation Organization; New World Order
Collection: opensource


The Knowledge Book - 55 Fascicules + 7 Supplements

World Brotherhood Union Mevlana Supreme Foundation

(ISBN: 975-95053-1-2)

Official Site: http://www.dkb-mevlana.org.tr/

Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0

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Identifier: TheKnowledgeBookfascicules
Mediatype: texts
Licenseurl: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
Identifier-access: http://www.archive.org/details/TheKnowledgeBookfascicules
Identifier-ark: ark:/13960/t3320wn0h

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